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CANA Events

4.8 ( 9488 ratings )
Developer: Positive Proximity, Inc.

The Cremation Association of North America (CANA) Event App is for attendees of our annual convention and annual symposium. Registration for these events is required to access the event information in the app.

Developed by Positive Proximity, this app offers a number of helpful features that will guide you throughout the CANA event, while providing you with detailed session information and session alerts.

Key features include:
• Automatic Proximity Bluetooth Check-in: Using Bluetooth on your phone, the app can check you in to each session as you arrive (for continuing education credit).
• Self Scan Check-in: Providing you with the ability to scan at a check-in station with your mobile device as you arrive for each session.
• Session Guide: Providing you with an up-to-date list of sessions and allowing you to build a "My Schedule" for the day. This convenient feature will prompt you throughout the event with session time and location alerts.
• Event Information: Providing event contact information, event location, and an exhibitor listing.
• Event Downloads: Event documents, session papers, and links to event related content.
• Surveys and Feedback: Participate in session surveys, and live audience polling. Provide comments and suggestions to event organizer.

All of your session check-in information is automatically sent to the Positive Proximity servers and is used to track attendance, calculate credits earned, and is even used to generate certificates of completion emailed directly to you just days after the event ends.

PRIVACY: The Positive Proximity Mobile App contains no third party ads, and all data collected by the app is kept secured and private. The data collected is only provided to the event organizer and is never distributed or shared with any third party organizations whatsoever.

REQUIREMENTS: These features work in conjunction with the Positive Proximity Session Tracking Services ( and require event login credentials, which you receive in an invitation from the event organizer. If you do not yet have those credentials, please contact your event organizer.

For event questions, including accessing the app for event details, contact:

Cremation Association of North America
Wheeling, IL

For technical issues, contact:
Positive Proximity, Inc.
Las Vegas, NV